A man pointing his finger to a increasing chart
A man pointing his finger to a increasing chart
A man pointing his finger to a increasing chart

Empowering data owners and buyers to safely license AI training data

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our Vision

There is no bigger bottleneck for developing AI today than finding the right training data. AI companies sometimes require years to find the right dataset. Data providers often don’t know where to start and are rightly concerned about the privacy and security implications.

Protege is solving that problem by connecting buyers and licensors of AI training data in a privacy-centric, easy-to-use platform.


We are privacy-centric in everything we do. We began a privacy review before we wrote a line of code, and we review every use case to ensure it meets our standards.


We have designed procedures and controls from day one to ensure that data that flows through our platform does not end up in the wrong hands.

Intellectual Property

We work to ensure that all parties IP is closely guarded, from data holders to model builders.

Unlock the Power of Data

Connect with us if you’re looking for high-quality training data or want to learn more about licensing your unique data asset.